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You don't have to yell! Part 2

Writer's picture: Chris FinnChris Finn

When I first started the church I had in Birmingham we didn’t have any musicians, so I would put together a selection of songs that I felt was anointed and we sang along with them. There were times in those meetings that the presence of God was so strong that some people began to display demonic activity such as screaming and threatening words, or mocking behaviour that was so out of character. Sometimes individuals would run out of the building or I would find them sitting in a dark corridor.

This was a sharp learning curve for me. I had seen some deliverance in the church I attended when I became a Christian, but my first-hand experience was limited! I remember an older woman coming to the church, standing on the steps. She could hardly open her eyes to look at anyone. She needed help but sadly went away the same. I felt such sadness for her that day and I couldn’t understand why no one could help her. I felt powerless! Years later I realised that she couldn’t look at anyone because of the light within us, light that we didn’t realise was there. It was seeing that woman and feeling so helpless that I decided that day that I was never going to be in that situation again and do nothing. I hope that woman got her freedom from someone who knew how to set her free. That day haunted me and even as I write about it all these years later I can still feel the emotions attached to that memory!

The demonic wasn’t a subject that I had read much about, other than in the Bible. When I first became a Christian, I bought around twenty books on the Holy Spirit and the anointing. This was a whole new world to me! Two of the best books that I read and would recommend are Derek Prince’s "They Shall Expel Demons” and Bob Larson’s book “In The Name of Satan.” You’re probably more familiar with the ministry of Derek Prince, but don’t be put off by the title of the other book as it was extremely helpful by explaining how demons have legal rights and how to deal with that, as well as having lots of testimonies of deliverance.

I felt so sad and angry at the way demons had held some of our congregation captive for so long, so by building relationships and trust, myself and another leader began holding some deliverance sessions for those who needed help. Please remember that if you are going to do this kind of ministry then you need to be in close relationship with God, because you don’t want what happened to the seven sons of a chief priest called Sceva to happen to you. They saw themselves as exorcists and thought that they would just copy what they had seen Paul do. It massively backfired and the demons they were trying to dispel were the ones that beat them up and stripped them naked!

I read those books with the Holy Spirit and asked Him to teach and to impart to me the things that I needed to help these people. It was on the job learning! So, with my Bible and the Holy Spirit we went to set the captives free. We had some success! It wasn’t always instantaneous and at times it seemed surreal. There was one occasion with a young woman who had been diagnosed with bowel cancer; we began to pray and were led to order a spirit of infirmity to leave. This demon began to speak through the individual and refused to go. Well, it left, then came back again, and left, and then came back again - this was before I had read the book concerning legal rights! I was green and this went on for several hours! Eventually the young woman got so mad with me that she stormed out and left. Later that night I got a phone call from her telling me what had just taken place. She told me that she went home, angry with God and angry with me, and said to Him, ‘If you don’t tell me what to do then I might as well commit suicide and come home’. The Holy Spirit told her that she had made an inner vow which was: ’That if she got cancer then her mom would love her’. He then went on to tell her to repent and renounce that vow and as she did she had to rush to the bathroom and a whole lot of green stuff came out of her bowels. At the hospital she was declared free from bowel cancer! I had been so caught up in the act of the ministry that I had forgotten to ask the Holy Spirit’s help.

Demons are mean to the people they inhabit; they mock, ridicule and abuse, and torment. They can take control of someone’s voice and body and degrade them in ways unimaginable. Part of being a Christian is the right to our own freedom and helping others to receive freedom too.

Many years ago when I was just coming into this understanding there was a church that taught that Christians couldn’t have demons,and that if they did then they weren’t saved and were told they should just read their Bible! These people felt trapped, but thank God that today we have greater revelation and understanding of how demons get in and how to deal with them in Christians and the unsaved alike. Let me clarify this, a Christian, a born-again Christian, can not be possessed in their spirit, because our spirit is possessed with the Holy Spirit. Your spirit is perfect just like Jesus. However, demons can live in areas of our soul (mind, will and emotions) and in our bodies. There should be no shame in needing deliverance from demonic oppression whether in our soul or body. The shame would be in not getting help due to fear, shame or ridicule!

The guy in the tombs who was tormented by thousands of demons fell at Jesus’ feet and asked him to help. Within minutes he was free, clothed and in his right mind. Nothing can stop an individual from being set free if they put their will into action. The only time darkness can win is if a person is more committed to the darkness than they are to God.

Being passive stops us growing in God. Passivity diminishes our authority and apathy is even worse. I never want to become lukewarm and have Him spew me out of His mouth. I’ve been hot and I’ve been cold, hot is so much better! When Jesus sent out the disciples and then the seventy, He gave them authority over all the power of the enemy. Demons have power but authority trumps power! Power, remember, is a gift; relationship is authority!

Before the cross and resurrection Jesus said, “I come in the authority of my father,.” (John 5), but in Matthew 28 he says, “All authority is given to me.” He already had the power and the authority (exousia). He then went on to give it to every believer to use!

The Centurion understood how authority worked. He said, “Just say the word, I am a man under authority”. Matt 8:9 TLT When we understand how God works it brings faith, and faith leads to obedience, and obedience to authority. When we use the name of Jesus we are tapping into His complete authority. Without authority the Church remains voiceless, without authority the demons won’t shriek and leave! Salvation is a gift but relationships take work!

This is a friend’s testimony of how she used her God given authority to set her mother free.

May 1993

Mom started having severe headaches, which the doctor diagnosed as migraine headaches. These persisted for a week and then, on the first Sunday in May, she suffered a ruptured berry aneurysm. This caused a brain haemorrhage. Statistics show that once this has happened, 25 percent do not survive the first 24 hours, another 25 percent die from complications within six months, and most people who survive have permanent neurological damage. I quote these facts as they highlight how blessed she was.

After admission to hospital, it took a while to diagnose what had happened but the brain injury was immediately apparent. The doctors were amazing and diagnosed the bleed but warned that the pressure on the brain was so severe that she might not survive the night. Her brain was being crushed and she went into a state called vasospasm, causing confusion, some paralysis and head pain. The doctors advised us to take each hour as it came, which was distressing for all.

So, day by day, we sat by her bed and watched as she struggled to hold on to life. She recognised none of us, spoke with confusion and had no idea how to drink, walk or follow instructions. This state lasted for about three weeks, during which time the doctors warned that until they could control the flow of blood around the brain, an operation was out of the question - risking a further bleed, resulting in death.

Eventually an operation was considered viable, even though there was a risk that when they removed a portion of the skull to see what was happening, it could result in another haemorrhage. The doctor explained that it could be likened to removing a drain manhole cover, to discover that there was (hopefully) a slow trickle of water which could be dealt with, or, worse case scenario, a gush of water that flooded completely. With this thought in mind, it was very distressing to witness my dad signing the consent form for a process which could end the life of the only woman he had ever loved the girl he met when she was 16 and he 20, the woman he married and raised three children with, the woman who meant the world to him.

At this time, I was in contact with Chris, whose compassion, advice and prayers were invaluable. She put Mom’s name on the prayer list, and it was comforting to know that so many people were keeping her in their hearts and prayers. I remember that Chris mentioned she had been unable to save her own mom but would ask the Holy Spirit to save mine. How selfless is that.

The day before the operation (scheduled for 4th June) I called in to see Chris for a comforting chat. We prayed and she told me to believe and trust in the Holy Spirit and that He would be by my side all through this difficult time. I left for the hospital, feeling elated, confident and very aware that there was someone walking beside me. I arrived at the hospital and felt like a super being, ready to take on anything.

Mom was sitting up in bed when I arrived, Dad by her side as always, but as soon as she saw me, she started thrashing about and pulling hideous, evil faces at me. Chris had told me that the illness in Mom’s head was an evil that could be conquered with love, faith, hope and prayers. I held Mom’s hand, and she started hissing at me. As I looked at her, I saw a grey, fuzzy ball hovering over her head, which seemed to become more agitated as I continued to hold her hand and pray. I felt no fear, just strength, love and support. I kissed her goodbye as I left, not knowing if that would be the last time I saw her alive, but the strange thing was that I took the grey, hovering ball with me. I walked it down the corridors, praying and convinced that this battle would be won by prayer and by the Holy Spirit I could feel beside me. I watched as the grey ball went out of the main door of the hospital and it disappeared. I got into my car and drove home, and to this day I have no recollection of that journey. It was as if someone was guiding me safely home.

The next day, the scheduled day for the operation, the hospital rang to say it was going ahead. Mom’s condition had vastly improved and it was now or never. On a side note, I had been woken in the middle of the night, hearing the words “wine gums”. This will probably sound strange, but I immediately knew that I had to ring the ward and ask the nursing staff to check Mom’s bedside cabinet. (She had a liking for wine gums, and I knew she had some in the side drawer!) If Mom had eaten during her “nil by mouth” period, then the operation would have been cancelled. I spoke to the nurse, who laughed and said she would go and check. Just in time, she caught Mom trying to pop some into her mouth!

So, the day dawned, and the four hour operation went ahead. The surgeons were amazed how well it went and although they gave no promises for her recovery, or even survival post op, I was elated and knew with all my heart that things were going to be fine. My confidence was huge, my heart filled with the love and strength of the Holy Spirit.

It was a long and difficult recovery process, but Mom amazed everyone with her spirit and determination. She had to learn to walk, talk, remember, and slowly things came back to her. She was not completely unscathed by the brain trauma. The position of the blood clot in her brain had permanently damaged her left eye, resulting in double vision. This can never be cured, and she was registered disabled, but she had also earned the title "Mrs One Percent” as she is one of the very, very few who survive a brain haemorrhage.

That was almost 27 years ago now, and Mom has just celebrated her 90th birthday. Each day has been a blessing, each day another day to enjoy life and the love of her family and friends. When life is troubled, I know that the Holy Spirit that was with me that day will be with me again. I only need to ask. (Tina A)

Holy Spirit, help me to prioritise time spent in your presence so that I may have a deeper relationship with the Father and come to know in greater measure the power and authority that I can have. I repent for any ways in which I have been passive or apathetic. I don’t want to be lukewarm or even cold. I want to be passionate about the things that touch your heart. Holy Spirit, help me to know the ways of the Father and deal with any fear of encountering the demonic. I want to co-labour with you to set the captives free! Amen.

Perhaps you may have felt powerless in the past. But today you have a renewed understanding of your authority in God. Hopefully this will be your testimony real soon!

‘We owe the world an encounter with God.’

Bill Johnson

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